Claus Iversen grew up in the small, southern Danish town of Bolderslev. Born in 1975, he spent his entire childhood there.
After graduating from a math-focused high school in 1995, he chose to pursue a computer science education from 1996 to 1998.
Since 1998, he has primarily worked with IT and information technology at various levels for both private companies and public authorities. Recently, his areas of expertise have expanded to AI and the use of learning networks, benefiting the business sector.
In 2013, he became interested in studying the paranormal, supernatural, and much under the subject of 'fringe science.' This has resulted in numerous newspaper articles and participation in several TV and radio broadcasts as an expert.
Claus' other major interest is astronomy, which has filled several courses at evening schools as well as lectures. As something new, he offers courses within the area of 'The Introverted Personality.', AI and the paranormal.