Claus Iversen is active in the local art and cultural life. He also works on his own projects.
Claus Iversen works with art and culture. He organizes smaller concerts and events at places like Koldinghus. Additionally, he is a passionate violinist who has chosen to play this fantastic instrument at an 'advanced age'. Claus is a cultural ambassador for the Carnival in Braunschweig, which he has actively participated in since 2016. The joy, diversity, and the huge amount of volunteer work surrounding the carnival all year round are things that attract and bring joy to life. The goal is to bring a bit of this classic Carnival to Denmark - but naturally also to assist as a contact person for those interested in going to Braunschweig to experience everything up close. Claus also works on his own projects, which can be seen under the link 'art by accident' on the left in the menu. |